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British Values

Schools have a requirement to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. At St Marie’s these values are promoted in the following ways…


St Marie’s has a school council with representatives from each class. Each candidate is required to write a manifesto statement. Each class member votes as to which candidate they would like to represent them on the school council.

The council meets every term with our Senior Leadership Team.

In each meeting the council members are encouraged to listen to each person’s point of view and to vote democratically for any motion that may be introduced.

The minutes of each meeting are recorded and shared with the school community at assembly. The School Council were involved in the appointment of the current Headteacher in 2014.

The Rule of Law 

At St Marie’s we live by our school rules or “A.S.P.I.R.E. values” of Achievement, Serving God, Practice, Independence, Resilience and Enjoyment.

All children are encouraged to follow these. The values are openly displayed in the school and weekly certificates are presented to children individually in Friday celebration assemblies to those children who live out these values in their every day school life. Parents are invited to attend these assemblies to share in their child’s reward for good conduct.

Individual liberty and Mutual Respect

St Marie’s is a Catholic school and through our Gospel values of tolerance and respect we expect every child and every adult to treat all members of our school community with kindness and tolerance.

We collect for various charities throughout the world such as CAFOD and we also respond to individual causes. Children are encouraged to think of those in our world who do not have the basic privileges that we have.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Although St Marie’s is a Catholic school, we have many children and families from different faiths. Obviously, as a Christian school, we celebrate the various Christian festivals throughout the year such as Christmas, Harvest and Easter, however, we also hold a multi-faith week on different faith traditions and festivals as well.

Learning about other traditions and faiths in a culturally diverse society is essential for all of our children at St Marie’s to prepare them for our multi - cultural society.